Number the Stars Read-Aloud Poster: Digital Download


Number the Stars Read-Aloud Poster: Digital Download
Number the Stars Read-Aloud Poster: Digital Download Number the Stars Read-Aloud Poster: Digital Download Number the Stars Read-Aloud Poster: Digital Download Number the Stars Read-Aloud Poster: Digital Download Number the Stars Read-Aloud Poster: Digital Download

This product is a digital-only version of our Read-Aloud Poster for Number the Stars.

Number the Stars by Lois Lowry is historical fiction middle-grade novel set in World War 2 Denmark. This story of how a Danish family helped their Jewish neighbors escape to Sweden was inspired by true events and had us on the edge of our seats. 

Our Read-Aloud Poster for Number the Stars features and enlarged map of Denmark and surrounding areas for you to add details to, plus:

  • record learnings about Denmark
  • create character portraits and identify character traits
  • create a timeline of story events
  • use meaningful quotes as discussion starters

As always, we've included Read-Aloud Poster favorites like reader evaluations, and a chapter tracker! 

We think this book is best for ages 8 and up, but you know your family best! It does include some tense scenes with Nazi soldiers; if you have sensitive readers who don’t do well with suspense, be aware. However, we found it to be the kind of suspenseful that had our kids asking us for “just one more chapter” even on a second or third reading.


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-our Read-Aloud Poster Spotlight blog post for Number the Stars

Note: This Read-Aloud Poster and accompanying Activity Guide are a digital download, so be sure to provide your e-mail on the checkout page! You’ll receive the files in a separate e-mail from SendOwl Downloads. You will have a limited number of downloads. Please save to your computer before opening on another device.

For help with choosing your poster size or printing your file, click on the links. Although the poster can be printed at any size, it was originally designed for 28x40 inch paper. The closest size commonly available at US printers such as Office Depot is known as Arch E1 and prints at 30”x42”.