Read-Aloud Posters: You've got questions, we've got answers!

Read-Aloud Posters: You've got questions, we've got answers!

Ruby’s Read-Aloud Posters are unlike anything out there, so we thought you might have a few questions about them! In fact, we asked for some input on Instagram, and you were kind enough to tell us what you want to know, so we’ve put together a post to answer all your questions.

How big are the posters?

They measure 28x40 inches, which is a great size to let everyone in your family gather around and get in on the action. They will fit on most tables, but are also easy to put on the floor, or even display on a blank wall.


What do you use to color on them?

Crayons, markers, colored pencils…really anything your kids like is great to use. Our favorite around here is Twistables®  by Crayola®  because 1) they’re blendable like crayons, and have more vivid color than typical colored pencils, 2) they’re “fancier” than crayons so they’re more exciting for kids, and 3) they don’t have bleed-through risk like markers.

If you’re Christmas shopping, you could make a great gift set with a poster, a set of Twistables or markers, and a copy of the book (or audiobook version).


What age are they designed for?

The short answer to that is, “whatever ages you would read the book aloud to.” As of this writing, the posters we have available right now (Little House in the Big Woods, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, and The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street) would be great for 7 to 11 year olds, no question. 

Now the longer answer:

If you have younger kids (kindergarten and up) who have experience listening to chapter books, they’ll probably be fine, especially if they have an older sibling listening as well. 

One of the great things about the posters is that they can keep younger siblings involved in family reading when they might otherwise have trouble sitting still for a chapter book. If you have late preschoolers with older siblings, they’ll probably love to color along.

Bottom line:

The “solid” age recommendation for the posters is 7 to 11. If you’re concerned that your younger child’s not ready to enjoy a particular book poster, check the book out from the library and read a chapter. If they’re interested in the book and tracking with the beginning of the story, order the poster! 

And if they’re not ready? Wait six months or a year and try again! Much of the time the difference between slogging through a book and having your kids be interested and engaged is a matter of time. Pick the book up again in six months or a year and you may find you have a much happier audience!

Finally - if you want a personalized recommendation for your group of readers, drop us a line! We're always happy to help out.


What if my kids don’t want to write on the poster?

That’s fine! It’s not homework! :) Some families have one kid who loves to be “the writer,” others take turns, and sometimes the kids dictate as mom or dad writes down everyone’s ideas. The writing spaces on our posters aren’t designed to test recall or comprehension. Instead, they’re structured to help you take notes so that you can notice patterns throughout the book, or keep track of new words you’re learning, or jot down questions or predictions you have as you read. 


Do you have a downloadable version of the posters?

Not at this time, but we’re just getting started and we may consider this for the future! 


Thanks for all your great questions! If you have more, comment here or send an e-mail and we’ll be happy to answer. And, we love hearing your suggestions for future poster book choices and activities. Who knows what poster we’ll create next?


Jan 10, 2019 • Posted by Michelle

Hi, Addie! I’m so glad you love the Vanderbeekers of 141st Street poster! We’ll definitely let you know if we make a poster for the second book. Happy reading!

Jan 10, 2019 • Posted by Addie

Hi, I love the vanderbeekers of 141st. The poster is amazing. Let me know when you get the 2nd book.

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