Ruby Reads Books

Spotlight: Read-Aloud Poster for Island of the Blue Dolphins

Spotlight: Read-Aloud Poster for Island of the Blue Dolphins

Our Read-Aloud Poster for Island of the Blue Dolphins is now available, and we thought you'd like a close-up look at the poster activities. If your family has completed other Read-Aloud Posters, you'll recognize some favorite activities, though perhaps with a new twist, as well as some new favorites. As always, our hope is that the poster helps you more fully enjoy this classic book and your time together as a family.

Reader ratings: We always include a spot for each listener to sign their names when you begin reading, and then return to rate the book when you are done. This provides an important discussion starter and structured evaluation time. Don't be content to just rate the book; spend time talking about what you liked or disliked about it and why!

Reader ratings block



Plant and landform drawings: Wewanted you to feel like you're actually on the Island of the Blue Dolphins as you're reading, so we filled the poster with artwork of plants and landforms that are mentioned in the book. The other benefit is that you don't have to stop reading to look up some of the key vocabulary in the book. (Don't worry, there are plenty of other plants and landforms to research!)

lupines on Island of the Blue Dolphins Poster


Story Map: Island of the Blue Dolphins is based on the true story of a woman who survived alone for many years on an island off the coast of California. Because of this, we created a map based on the actual island, and designed a set of stickers for you to place on the map as you listen to the story. If you'll listen carefully, you'll know where landmarks like Tall Rock and Black Cave are, as well as where some of the exciting events in the story take place! Have fun!

 Island Map


New Words: We've included a spot for you to write down new words as you listen to the story. Use context clues to figure out what they mean, or look up new plants and landforms when you finish reading each day! 

 Vocabulary builder


Karana's Animal Friends: There aren't many characters to draw pictures of in this story, but Karana has many animal companions that are important to her on the island. Have fun drawing some of her animals friends as you listen.

 Animal friends portraits


Last but not least, we've included discussion starters to help your family get talking about some of the important concepts in the book. As always, we include a set of sticky notes so that everyone has a chance to record a response. 

Discussion questions


There you have it: a detailed look at our newest Read-Aloud Poster! We hope you'll enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it. Ready to get started? Get your poster here! As always, please let us know if you have any questions!



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